It is well said by expert that regular maintenance of Wind turbines can significantly extend the viable lifespan of turbines and can ensure optimum output in all circumstances. At present Inspection of wind turbine with tradition method is quit challenging as they are tall in structures.
Prime UAV make it possible to detect structural incidents in wind turbine blades and serve as a guide during maintenance and help to save considerable accidental costs.

Power line inspection

Power line inspections are an expensive and time-consuming. In order to perform quicker and more accurate power line monitoring we offer Drone service which enable you to collect the needed data for identifying and mitigating risks in power distribution with reasonable cost and within short span of time. It can greatly reduce man hours and cost by automating inspections. It can assess the condition and orientation of all components of cell towers without ascending of any worker to height. During our each operation towers remain functional during inspection. We use Thermal camera and Liddar sensor to inspect and monitor the corridor for power lines and towers. Corridor Mapping is also possible by our system.
epa03010734 An aerial view from a helicopter of the Homer Ferrington rig operated by Noble Energy in the east Mediterranean, drilling in an offshore block on concession from the Cypriot government, 21 November 2011. Houston-based Noble started drilling for gas off Cyprus in September, in the island's first attempt to tap speculated offshore hydrocarbons deposits. Cypriot President Demetris Christofias visited the rig, which started drilling for gas on 21 November.  EPA/STR

Marine Structure Inspection

When it comes to about inspection and monitoring of Marine Structure it always seems to time consuming, risky and costly. Such traditional methods which are being used now a days are like rope access, sky-lifts, cherry pickers and scaffolding.
Prime UAV is come up with new solution for Marine Structure monitoring and inspection. We provide visual inspection by an unmanned drone as it is a quick and cost effective inspection method of critical areas like onshore and offshore constructions.

Inspection of Plant and Factories Plant

Prime UAV is constantly striving to cater Inspection services to manufacturing plant. Inspection of manufacturing plant is time consuming due to very complex structure. So Drone inspection is a safe and fast way to overview the state of your plant, boilers, inventory, machinery, plant assets etc.
The use of drones for inspection of manufacturing plant offers advantages such as quick overview and evaluation of the condition, sharp and detailed photographs of defects, high quality images and video, high level of personnel safety.
With drone inspection, it is possible to cover larger grounds faster compared to traditional inspection methods.

Inspection of Chimney

Prime UAV’s Drone inspections for structures like industrial chimneys and smokestacks save time by identifying the problems areas and provide handy data to inspection and maintenance services team.
A major component of the chimney inspection is to check damage structure. As per traditional method this has been done manually by shutting down the facilities, putting up temporary scaffolding, and human inspector has to climb on heights.
However our drone service eliminate the need for scaffolding assembly and you can also manage to curtail losses that occurred by facility shutdown.

Bridge Inspection

After certain time period it is mandatory to inspect bridge. As per our traditional practice bridge inspections are usually difficult, risky, costly and time-consuming. To reduce cost and minimise risk involved in this work Prime UAV has developed quicker, safer and inexpensive alternative solution for inspecting a wide range of bridge.
Our Drones equipped with HD cameras, proximity sensors and thermal cameras which can help engineers in countless ways. Our Drones provide high quality and detailed images which can be used by experts to identify defects and hot spots in bridge.
Apart from this using top mounted camera we can inspect bottom side of Bride easily.

Telephone Mast Inspection

As per traditional practice Telephone tower inspection is required a lot of heavy equipment to a tower site, as well as manpower to climb the tower which can lead to potential risks, injuries and huge insurance costs. To eliminate all these risk Prime UAV has come up with Telephone Mast inspection service using drone. There are numerous benefits using drones for telephone mast inspection. It can reduce man hours and costs by automating inspections, reach to each and every section of tower, Increase in safety of staff and structure, Towers remain functional during inspection.



SF-1,Khodiyar Arced ,B/H Someswar Mall,
GIDC Phase-1, Mehsana-384002,
(M) 9979963653


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